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The Habits Of Gen Z

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Where to get help – Habits of Gen Z

08 November 2023
Please reach out to these organisations for support and/or additional information.
holding hands black and white person beige jacket blue jeans

Transgender, nonbinary and gender diverse adults and teens. Queer support and homophobia.    

The Triangle Project
☎: 021 712 6699
Same Love Toti
☎: 082 654 8635
Wits University: Transformation Office
☎: 011 717 9154/1456
Whatsapp Support: 068 022 4581

Depression, anxiety, mental health, and trauma support

South African Depression and Anxiety Group (Sadag)
☎: 011 262 6396
Sadag police and trauma line: 0800 20 50 26
Cipla Mental Health Helpline: 0800 456 789 or the What's App chat line: 076 882 2775 or SMS: 31393
Lifeline National Counselling line: 0861 322 322

Lifeline Stop Gender Violence helpline: 0800 150 150

Suicide prevention support    

Sadag suicide crisis line: 0800 567 567 or SMS: 31393

Cyber bullying, cyber harassment, catfishing and sextortion
Child-Line South Africa
☎: 0800 055 555

Sonke Gender Justice
Whistleblower Hotline: 0800 333 059 0800 333 059 or SMS: 33490

☎: 011 262 6396

South African National Cybersecurity Awareness Portal
Please see more information here, here, and here.

The Digital Law Company
📧: info@thedigitallawco.com

Advice for teens on cyberbullying, internet safety, sextortion
☎: 012 393 1000

Digital burnout
Read this article

Sadag Social Development Substance Abuse Line: 0800 12 13 14 or SMS: 32312

Addiction and substance abuse support
Al Anon   
☎: 0861 252 666
Alcoholics Anonymous  
☎: 0861 435 722
Narcotics Anonymous
☎: 083 900 69 62 (083 900 MY NA)

Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous South Africa
📧: info@slaasa.co.za
☎: 011 262 6396

Climate anxiety

☎: 011 262 6396

Don't miss the stimulating Habits of Gen Z premiere on Thursday, 9 November 2023 on M-Net (DStv Channel 101) at 21:00 – the home of entertainment. You can also live-stream on DStv Stream, and DStv Catch Up after broadcast. Join the conversation on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and Facebook using #HabitsOfGenZ.

Featured image: Getty