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How You Know You Grew Up in the ‘90s

24 January 2018
20 signs you grew up at the butt-end of the twentieth century.

Remember when Chandler and Joey used to get excited about watching the next episode of Baywatch? Then you must have grown up in the ‘90s, because you know your Sunday night movie Baywatch is not just one of Dwayne Johnson’s latest movies.

Baywatch was a '90s TV show packed full of questionable fashion, questionable music, and ask-no-questions storylines. But you grew up in the ‘90s, so you know this and you love it anyway…just like these twenty memories that planted themselves so firmly in the collective millennium-ending consciousness, some of them don’t even need explanation.

  1. You rented movies from a video store.
  2. You understand the connection between a cassette tape and a pencil.
  3. You know what a cassette tape is.
  4. You owned a Tamagotchi.

  1. You ate holey moleys and push pops.
  2. You played Tetris.
  3. Butterfly clips!

  1. You watched K-TV.
  2. You wore plastic chocker necklaces and jelly shoes.
  3. You listen to music with a Walkman.
  4. Monica and Bill.
  5. You still know the lyrics to Wannabe.
  6. You know who sang Wannabe.

  1. You played with Yo-Yos and Gameboys.
  2. You watched The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, and could sing the theme song.
  3. You also thrived on Family Matters, Full House, Buffy, Dawson’s Creek, Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, and of course Friends.

  1. You know who Marky Mark was/is.
  2. “Don’t speak, I know just what you’re saying…”
  3. You thought House Party was the benchmark for all movies.
  4. Y2K was a persistent concern.

Join Dwayne Johnson and Zac Efron as they resuscitate the characters of Mitch and Matt, in the millennial movie adaptation of Baywatch, your #SundayNightMovie on 28 January at 20:30 on M-Net