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Namaqualand: A traveller’s paradise – Desert Rose

20 July 2022
Engulf yourself in what nature has on offer.

Anyone who has watched Desert Rose might very well be tempted to take a trip to Namaqualand where the show is filmed. Known for showing off a quilt of gorgeous daisies come spring time, there is a lot more to do and see in this area outside of the beautiful flowers. And, of course, if tourist crowds are not your thing. 


With the area rich in natural resources, it is a great place to go hiking, cycle along the coast, or go quad-biking. This is a lovely way to take in the scenery and appreciate nature for what it is: gloriously beautiful on its own. 🌵 Whichever little town you stay in, there is sure to be establishments offering these services. 

Birds galore 

There’s a little town, Velddrif, on the banks of the Berg River, and it is a bird watcher’s delight. 🐦  According to news and entertainment website, IOL, “ … visitors can expect to spot a vast array of birdlife in the Berg River estuary, rated as one of the most important birding areas in the world.”

Endless stars 

City dwellers have become used to less-than-sparkling skies. But oh, when in the country, take advantage of the clear skies to bask at the heavens. 🌌 See the sky as you never have before and let it leave you wondering: is there really life out there? 👽


The coastal towns dotted over the map offer bespoke eating experiences, some of which have been featured on other local shows such as MasterChef South Africa. Give your tastebuds a joy ride they will never forget. 🍴

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Sources: IOL, South African Tourism