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Skelet💀ns in the closet – White Lies

12 April 2024
Did you see these skeletons coming? ☠

The skeletons have come out to play in White Lies. Let's list the biggest shockers from the show so far. 

Skeleton 1: Daniel is a drug dealer ☠
After Daniel was kidnapped, viewers thought Andrew's murder was linked to the kidnapping, but with a twist in the tale we found out that Daniel has dirty secrets, and dealing drugs is one of them. Whoever thought darling Daniel had so many skeletons in his closet?

Skeleton 2: Werner and Nonzi's discreet arrangement with the McKenzies ☠
Swingers all the way! The scandalous revelation that Andrew, Olivia, Nonzi, and Werner had a taste for swinging was a jaw-dropping moment. We swear, this family gets more and more twisted by the minute.

Skeleton 3: Robert and Oilvia's strange affair☠
Something has been eating Robert, but no one ever saw this shocking twist coming! Just when we thought Robert was going to silence Olivia because he was the one behind her attack, the poor lad confessed his undying love to her at her hospital bedside.

Skeleton 4: Daniel is Edie's son ☠
Edie has always made it known that she is not mother material, but she left us gasping when she confessed to Forty that she gave up a child 16 years ago. And through a flashback, we found out that the child was none other than darling Daniel.

Stay tuned for more deadly revelations in White Lies, airing on Thursdays at 20:00 on M-Net 101 or streaming on DStv Stream. Join the conversation on FacebookXInstagram, and TikTok using #WhiteLiesSA.