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Mare Of Easttown

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A gripping HBO limited crime series driven by Oscar winner Kate Winslet. A detective in a small Pennsylvania town investigates a local murder while trying to keep her life from falling apart.


S1 | E7
31 May 22:30
'S1/E7 - Sacrament'. A gripping HBO limited crime series driven by Oscar winner Kate Winslet. A detective in a small Pen...

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Mare of Easttown

The talented Kate Winslet plays Mare Sheehan, a small-town investigator who is trying to solve a brutal murder while trying to keep her own life afloat.
Mare of Easttown Image : 10217
mare of easttown episode 1

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Here's a list of starlets who remarried after going through tough divorces.
Behind the Speech – Kate Winslet Image : 9117

Behind the Speech – Kate Winslet

It’s not a bottle of shampoo anymore! Go behind Kate Winslet’s 2009 Oscar speech for Best Actress. Watch the 92nd Academy Awards live on Monday 10 February at 03:00 on M-Net Movies Premiere channel 104 and in prime time at 21:00 on M-Net channel 101. Video courtesy of the Academy Of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.