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Leandie, up close and personal – Love Island SA

11 April 2021
We touched base with Leandie at the finale.
Love Island Feature Image (2)

What’s your advice for finding the one?

There's no set plan. In my experience, I have found that life doesn’t work that way. Always make sure that you are being your best self and staying true to who you are.

Send out good intentions and the right person will come and find you at the right time. 

I truly believe that if you haven’t met the person you’re looking for, it‘s probably because it's not the right time or there might be something that you need to sort out with yourself first, otherwise you might attract people that are not meant for you.

If your life is messy, and there's no space in it for someone else, you need to sort that out first. 

A very important thing that I learnt in my life is that you can't invite someone into your life if it's messy: be it living in a small space, or your schedule not allowing you to make time for other people. It's up to you to create an environment that's open for someone new to come in. 

Did you expect Thimna and Libho to win?
I did think that Thimna and Libho, aka Limna, was going to win. And I knew Millie and Asad would give them a go. But Limna was the most solid couple. They really found a true connection and I loved how they communicated with each other and the way they supported one another throughout the journey.

What’s your advice to islanders who are targeted by trolls?

Consider where the comments are coming from. If it’s from your family or close friends trying to help you, listen to them and see what you can adjust. If it’s from your family or close friends trying to help you, listen to that and see what you can adjust. 

If it's not, block and bless them. You don’t need that energy in your life. Therefore, remove it! Indifference is the best revenge. 

You need to change the energy they send your way. Just because someone says something bad to you doesn’t mean you need to respond in the same way. If you bless them, you send out good energy. That is what you’ll receive in return. 

Firstly you need to bless them because the fact that they took the time to say negative things to someone they don't know says more about their lives. If you are a happy and fulfilled human being living your fabulous life, you’re not going to have time to go and say bad things to someone else. 

Secondly, you need to bless them because they might be going through something themselves, and they need to be blessed. If you ask God to bless them, they might become happier human beings. 

What have you learnt throughout your Love Island SA journey?
I think I’ve learnt to stay true to myself. In the end, the best advice for anything in life, whether it’s marriage, friendship or work, is to aspire to stay true to yourself. 

And learn your lines. Be prepared. Prepare as much as you can, and the rest will follow.  

What’s next for you?
I’m going back to Gauteng to become human again. Other than that, and an ongoing thing, is the business that I co-own with my sister-in-law. To Be – Gift Boxes: This is something that I’ve been busy with throughout Love Island SA. We recently moved into a warehouse, and I’ll be focusing more on this project and give it some love, seeing that I’ve been away for so long. 

Other than that, I've been presenting a show on kykNET called SLANK for the past eight years now, and the new season is starting in June. 

And your message to the rest of South Africa?
I’d really like to thank the public for sticking it out with us. Thank you for voting and watching, for going on this journey with us. It was a rocky start, but it’s been an absolute pleasure and honour to host the very first season of Love Island SA and I hope there will be many more. 

I also wanna thank the incredible crew that worked day in, day out back to back. I don’t think anyone acknowledges the hard work that they’ve been putting in. Given COVID-19 restrictions and the nature of this reality show, it was immensely difficult for them and teamwork pulled us through right to the end.

Find out what Leandie’s most memorable Love Island SA moments are below:

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