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The Wedding Bashers


The Good, The Bad and The Ugly – Wedding Bashers Season 2

24 January 2019
The Wedding Bashers present to you, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly moments of season 2

We've taken a walk down the aisle one last time and crowned our winners of Wedding Bashers Season 2 (Congratulations Jason and Megan!). It's been a superb season - and you the fans have been great guests too. In honour of you, our Bashers and the show, we're taking a look at the good, the bad and the "ugly" moments of The Wedding Bashers.

The Good

Meeting Our New Bashers

After saying goodbye to the talented Cindy Nell and Siba Mntongana, Basherhive eagerly pored through the internet of Al Gore, hoping to catch a first glimpse of the new Bashers who would be joining the team. We didn't have to wait too long though, because faster than you can say "I Do", Food stylist and chef extraordinaire Zola Nene and former Miss South Africa Bernelee Daniell were unveiled as our new Food and Fashion Bashers. Welcome to the family, faves!

The Wedding Bashers Specials

Before embarking on their magical quest to find the most spectacular weddings in South Africa, our Bashers rolled up their sleeves and gave back in a major way with the Wedding Bashers Specials. Denise, Zavion and our new Bashers Zola and Bernelee pulled together and helped gift four deserving couples in need, with the wedding of their dreams. Their stories , which were a true lesson on triumph over tragedy will remain with us. Most importantly, we can't help but be moved and inspired by everything our Bashers did. Brava!

You May Now Kiss The Bread

Our Bashers were introduced to wonderful and memorable traditions during the show. One of them being the Polish tradition of the bread and salt presentation at Heather and Raefel's wedding. This is a symbolic and important part of the reception which brings blessings to the couple. Zavion, Denise, Zola and Bernelee certainly felt blessed and felt the love between this stunning couple.

Let The Good Times Roll

Our Season 2 winners, Jason and Megan treated us to a cool beachy wedding with such a great vibe. It was fun in the sun as our Bashers got to indulge in a game of some good old ping pong, while you cheered them on from home. You know what they say, unleash your inner child and that's exactly what everyone did at this stunning and super cool wedding. Watch the winning couple give us their wedding advice, here

Drum To The Beat

The Bashers were treated to the traditional sounds of drumming at Bertus and Yolanda's big day. The beats got our Bashers jamming and made us feel the true African spirit that filled the air. Shall we remind you that Zola enjoyed the drumming too! Ever heard of a booty drum? Wink, wink.  


The Good Food

The way to our Bashers' individual hearts, has proven to be through their stomachs! Our fun and feisty foursome certainly enjoyed a range of delectable food (despite Zola's dislike of buffets) this season. There was almost always a generous spread at each of the weddings our Bashers were invited to - and let's not forget all the delicious desserts that were totally to-die-for! What of those gorgeous and yummy wedding cakes? The food, fun and family love at all the weddings left us all hungry for more Wedding Bashers. Speaking of cakes, see Zola's Top 5 picks here.

The Bad

Naughty brides and grooms

From a lecturer-lovin' surfer dude who definitely didn't pass because he was lovin' his teacher, to a striptastic Brazilian bombshell with a penchant for downing tequila shots and "peeing in the bush"; Wedding Bashers Season 2 introduced us to a very special line-up of some of the most colourful brides and grooms in the South. Think we're playing? Get a load of this!

No filter, No Problem!

Wig Off, Dance On!

One thing that get's the party started is being bad on the dance floor (and we don't mean two left feet.) Denise has surely set the bar where breaking it down is concerned. We all knew it was going down when our favourite party animal took her wig off. Oh, Miss Denise. Can you not cause so such drama at a party? We think she will stop, when pigs, AHEM we mean when wigs fly! Actually, we take that back. We don't ever want you to stop. We love you just the way you are, fave! Check Denise's top 5 boquet tossing moments.

Put a Bag On It!

Zavion broke all the wedding rules with this one! He  broke it all the way down and became a certified bad boy on the dancefloor when he put that paper bag over his head at Janine and Xander's big day. Well, in his defense, you can do whatever you want when no one can see your face, right? Zavion, you definitely nailed... sorry, we mean "bagged" this one - and we love you for it.

Everytime our Bashers partied HARD

Bottoms up! Our Bashers are so good at being a little bit bad! How do you turn a good party into a great one? Simply add some vodka! Jusk ask Denise and Zavion how it's done. Our Bashers enjoyed wine and all things fine - and had a sherry, merry time at this season's weddings. 

Cheers Denise!

That's right, take it in one strong shot

Nostrovia Zavion!

Zavion quickly grasping the Polish way to have a drink, is our favourite thing.

The "Ugly"

Birds, Birds, Everywhere

It's true. We all fear things that go bump in the night! Well, what about when birds attack at weddings, in broad daylight? Well our Bashers, Denise specifically, were left severly flustered when our ring-bearer hawk made its grand entrance at Yolanda and Bertus's special day. Hello fear, flying, feathers and frights all over! We guess that a bird a day, keeps our Bashers astray.

The "Ugly" Faces

Some of the weddings made heads turn, wigs burn and had lessons learned! Our Bashers had us in stitches with their reactions to hilarious/dramatic moments that resulted in some very funny and fitting faces. You gotta just love our dashing Bashers.

The Mean Dance Face

Our Bashers know how take over the dancefloor, their faces say it all

The Face of Fear

Yikes! Is that a bird we see?

The Oh Yeah! Face

Zola and Zavion make quite a duo at the dinner table. Salt anyone? Watch Zavion, the salt master in action

The Game On Face

Zavion is always up for a challenge, just look at that face once he got the garter.

The "Ugly" Cries

One thing that every wedding in this season had in common was tears of joy. While the couples tried to keep it together at the ceremony, the emotional vows, speeches and touching moments had most of us balling our eyes out on our coaches. Our Bashers were not spared either, as the emotions got the better of them as well. We need a tissue just thinking about it.


...More tears

...And some more tears

14 Weddings, so many memorable moments. What were your favourite moments of season 2 of The Wedding Bashers? Share them with #WeddingBashers. 

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