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Tony Soprano's Best Quotes

19 November 2020
Bada Bing. Bada Boom. Here are Tony's best quotes!
Tony Soprano

Tony Soprano, the mob boss that become an iconic TV figure and won our hearts over with his fast-talking mouth and mesmerising character. We've hand picked some of our favourite quotes just for you. Enjoy!

"Those who want respect, give respect."

Trust Tony to earn the respect he deserves!

"Even a broken clock is right twice a day."

Wise words from a wise man.

 “They say every day’s a gift, but why does it have to be a pair of socks?”

You gotta just love Tony's dry sense of humour. 

“If you can quote the rules, then you can obey them.”

Tony lives by his own rules, we guess that's why he's so good at quoting them.

“What use is an unloaded gun?”

Can't argue with that now can we?

“I find I have to be the sad clown: laughing on the outside, crying on the inside.”

We think that this one's our personal favourite. It's kinda deep!


Watch the talented cast reunite for their 20th anniversary and talk about the show, their best memories and other great moments.

The Binge Comes Out at Night with M-Net City. Binge on all six riveting seasons of The Sopranos Mondays-Sundays from 22:30.