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NCIS season 19 recap

01 March 2023
The NCIS season 19 finale was one for the books. Warning, the following contains spoilers!
Collage of actors

With its many twists and turns, the NCIS finale, Birds of a Feather, had the audience on the edge of their seats.

Parker framed for murder

Aiden Parker’s ex-wife, Vivian Kolchak, was kidnapped, and her kidnapper (Parker's former partner, Frank Ressler) was found dead with Parker’s DNA under his fingernails. As a murder suspect, Parker was brought in for questioning. All hands were on deck as Parker’s teammates helped buy him time to prove his innocence. The plot thickened when Vivian mysteriously turned up, and Parker uncovered that she was in cahoots with the kidnapper.

Just a workplace relationship

Jessica Knight wasn't happy when she discovered that Jimmy Palmer listed their relationship as a workplace relationship. 

The ship finally sails!

After toying with the shippers for a long time, Palmer and  Knight finally decided to give in. The ship is officially sailing! The pair made their relationship official when Palmer pulled in Knight for their first on-screen kiss. We can't wait to see what NCIS season 20 has in store for this couple. Hopefully, this ship doesn't become a shipwreck.

Great news! This March, NCIS returns with a brand new season. Let us know on our social media platforms which NCIS member you'd help fight crime.

Catch NCIS season 20 every Wednesday at 19:00 CAT on M-Net. Find us on social media: Twitter (MNet), TikTok, (M-Net), Instagram (mnettv), and Facebook (M-Net).