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The Wedding Bashers


A Right Royal Showstopper! – Wedding Bashers

22 January 2019
Everyone's obsessed with Minx and Mnandi's nuptials

We laughed, cried and laughed some more this past Sunday when our Bashers gifted sweet same-sex couple, Minx and Mnandi, the wedding of their (and our tbh) dreams. Here's what everyone on Twitter had to say about this very special episode of Wedding Bashers: With Love!

Leanne was excited to see this give-back episode in particular, because who doesn’t love give-back specials?


Then we met our deserving couple. All we’re going to say is their story of love triumphing over discrimination and financial difficulties is something we will carry in our hearts forever. Missed it? Watch below.

Battling homophobia

Intense feelings were felt - and we all cried with Minx and Mnandi. 


Then it was time for our Bashers to dry their tears, roll up their sleeves and get cracking with preparing a showstopper wedding. First stop; Diaan Daniels’ studio, where Bernelee had prepped the surprise of a lifetime - two stunning wedding dresses that our couple would wear at their wedding!


With dresses secured, Zavion got cracking with the decor at his beautiful venue, Inimitable! The result? We’ll let Twitter tell it! 


Next on the menu was food prep - and what a feast of the senses it was!


Wrapping it up and putting a fiery bow on the whole thing was our party Basher Denise, whose surprise blew everyone away.


Is this the best wedding we’ve ever seen? Could be! 


What did we all learn on Sunday? That fairytales do exist...

…And that love is love is love!

The Wedding Bashers was conceptualised by Gavin Wratten and is produced by [sic] Entertainment. The show is broadcast on M-Net channel 101 every Sunday night at 18:00. Watch interviews with the Bashers and wedding couples from The Wedding Bashers here. Follow the conversation on social media using #WeddingBashers.